My technical practice blog.. nothing inetersting here!

Monday, February 28, 2005

Terri's Vocabulary

Say Goodbye to Hollywood.... Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 26, 2005


The fight for Terri is NOT over and the one thing I have FAILED to do is to stress how important this case is to the MANY people in this world that THIS case will EFFECT. I have also FAILED to stress the facts about how evil and how strong the forces we face truly are.

Starting Monday, I am going to start a campaign here at Straight Up called TERRI'S KIDS.

I need YOUR help with this....

Do you know of any handicapped children? Ones that use a feeding tube? Ones that receive therapy? If you do, and the parent and/or guardian of this child would grant permission to Straight Up with Sherri to post their picture and some information about their condition and care needs, please send them to Straight Up with Sherri:

Also starting on Monday, I will begin to layout the facts on Terri's case and break the myths.

There are still many people out there that are NOT getting the facts about Terri. Just to give one example, Terri never had an eating disorder! This claim has NEVER been reflected in ONE SINGLE MEDICAL RECORD! NOT ONE!

I urge you to read the 2 columns at the following two links:

One more thing. I am asking for some feedback. Do you as the reader prefer that I keep using the larger font, or should I return to the smaller font.

I believe the larger font makes it easier for people to read and encourages them to read more. It has been brought to my attention another view- that the larger font tends to people to subconsciously believe the posts are too long and lose interest and move on. Let me know your thoughts. It is important that people stick around and READ THE FACTS ON TERRI!

Thanks so much!

Katrina Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Terri's Documented Vocabulary

Monday, February 21, 2005

RWNJ...... Posted by Hello

Cox and Forkum
Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Ben Shapiro Sounds Off on Terri Shiavo

Ben's column on Terri

If you haven't heard of Ben Shapiro yet, you are MISSING OUT!

Ben is a rising star!

Ben Posted by Hello

Ben Shapiro Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

Minimum Wage, Illegal Aliens, and CEOs

I just LOVED this piece by RWNJ! I guess this makes me an EEEVIL CONSERVATIVE, but I will wear this badge PROUDLY!!!!!


Minimum Wage, Illegal Aliens, and CEOs

I get really annoyed when I hear the same people complain that we need to increase the minimum wage, who also say there is a shortage of workers willing to do menial jobs, and thus should encourage illegal aliens to invade our Great Nation.

Let’s start with the law of Supply & Demand, or more specifically labor demand. As far as there being a shortage of workers willing to do any job, I say “You are crazy if you believe that!”
Pick a job, any job! Let’s say “lettuce picker”, Okay? Now you postulate that there seem to be too few lettuce pickers available? That’s idiotic. If I am willing to pay $50. per hour (or $100,000 per year) for this job, I will provide you with a virtually infinite supply of lettuce pickers, won’t I? So you see there is not a shortage, after all, just people who do not understand the economics of labor.

So what happens if we secure the borders, and eliminate a vast supply of cheap slave labor? Yes, I said “slave”. Think about it. If they make trouble, don’t work hard enough, do anything to piss off “the Master”, he just calls up Immigration and has the riffraff forcefully evicted from the country, often losing anything they had managed to acquire. Pretty sweet deal, huh? Then he smuggles in some more slaves to replace them. Without these slaves, the farm owners must either automate or pay higher wages to encourage “normal” workers to take the jobs. That’s labor demand. Because of this, the workers at the low end of the economic spectrum see their wages increase, naturally. Sure it costs more to produce lettuce, but that is the law of supply & demand for capital goods. Thus, there is no need for minimum wage increases, because the wages rise without undue and unnatural economic legislation.

But what about those at the top? The exact same rules hold. I get nauseous when I hear the old saw about “If you want that talent, you need to pay the obscene salaries.” Again, that is so stupid! I can cause the same losses in those companies for less than one percent of what they pay these idiots (or crooks, if you prefer). But, if you want that talent, I can get it for FREE. Let’s pretend I am asked to find a new CEO for General Motors. Good grief, there are thousands of multimillionaires in this country who would give your left arm for that job. They have money, they want power and prestige. They would readily be willing to take the job for free, maybe even pay something to have it.

So there you have it. Secure the borders; eliminate a vast segment of poverty. Stop paying CEOs; enhance the value of major corporations (and your 401k). It’s so simple, even I thought of it.

Now THIS is an idea......... Posted by Hello

Friday, February 18, 2005

Your Little Girl, and She LOVES YOU!

Every time you walk in the room, her face lights up. She smiles with her whole face, and the love for you is glowing from within. Looking deep into her eyes, you see the joy of having you near her. She LOVES balloons, and watches them float and bounce throughout the room. Each time you turn off the radio, she protests with grunts. You sing to her and she laughs.

Then one day they come. They come to tell her the news. A man in a black robe has deemed her unworthy of life. He sees fit to starve her. They come to tell her. You see the pain and panic in her eyes. She moans like an animal and struggles to be rid of her wheel chair. She wants to escape. She wants to break free. She wants to LIVE………..

They tell you it is MERCY! They tell you she is gone. She is a vegetable. You know none of it is true. Worst of all, the very system in place to protect the weakest and most vulnerable amongst us is eager to sentence her to a long and torturous death. Why? What can you do? What WILL you do?

Terri............. Posted by Hello

God Bless Terri.... Posted by Hello

Terri..... Posted by Hello

Terri Shiavo... Posted by Hello

Terri............. Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

Lynne Stewart Posted by Hello

Other Inmates..... Posted by Hello


HB 0701

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Save Terri Posted by Hello

Save Terri Posted by Hello

PERFECT! Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Aren't they GORGEOUS!!!!!!? Posted by Hello

MOM is sooooooooo PROUD! (My son and his date for a formal dance) Posted by Hello

(left to right) My DAD (the BEST), My sister (BEAUTIFUL and TALENTED!), My brother (A TRUE HERO! USAF) Posted by Hello

Ahhhh, I was soo much younger then....... Posted by Hello