My technical practice blog.. nothing inetersting here!

Saturday, February 26, 2005


The fight for Terri is NOT over and the one thing I have FAILED to do is to stress how important this case is to the MANY people in this world that THIS case will EFFECT. I have also FAILED to stress the facts about how evil and how strong the forces we face truly are.

Starting Monday, I am going to start a campaign here at Straight Up called TERRI'S KIDS.

I need YOUR help with this....

Do you know of any handicapped children? Ones that use a feeding tube? Ones that receive therapy? If you do, and the parent and/or guardian of this child would grant permission to Straight Up with Sherri to post their picture and some information about their condition and care needs, please send them to Straight Up with Sherri:

Also starting on Monday, I will begin to layout the facts on Terri's case and break the myths.

There are still many people out there that are NOT getting the facts about Terri. Just to give one example, Terri never had an eating disorder! This claim has NEVER been reflected in ONE SINGLE MEDICAL RECORD! NOT ONE!

I urge you to read the 2 columns at the following two links:

One more thing. I am asking for some feedback. Do you as the reader prefer that I keep using the larger font, or should I return to the smaller font.

I believe the larger font makes it easier for people to read and encourages them to read more. It has been brought to my attention another view- that the larger font tends to people to subconsciously believe the posts are too long and lose interest and move on. Let me know your thoughts. It is important that people stick around and READ THE FACTS ON TERRI!

Thanks so much!


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